This is Jamaica Inc. a Florida Non-Profit organization whose mission is “Empower the Children of Jamaica to Restore and Preserve Their Culture Through Poetry and The Creative Arts”, provides scholarships through video rendition challenges of “This is Jamaica”, a poem written by Poet and founder of This is Jamaica, Mr. Peter Gracey.
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BRIDGETOWN, Barbados – The Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO), the premier tourism development agency for 25 Caribbean countries and territories, has appointed Dona Regis-Prosper the new Secretary-General and Chief Executive Officer. Beginning her assignment on September 1, 2023, Regis-Prosper, who hails from St. Lucia, is set to make history as the first woman to assume leadership of the intergovernmental body.
Nassau, The Bahamas - Rosewood Baha Mar has announced that Sherrell Sullivan, director of housekeeping, has been awarded the Global People Leadership Award for Rosewood Hotel Group at the 2022 Annual Extraordinary Awards.
It was exactly 20 years ago that Dr. Angela Davis addressed a rapt audience at the 5th Annual Eric Williams Memorial Lecture held at Florida International University in Miami where the series began. Her talk then? An indictment on ‘Slavery and the Prison Industrial Complex’.
Can you imagine what it feels like looking down at the earth from space? Astronaut 006, Christopher Huie, can certainly tell you. His recent voyage into space as part of the Unity 25 mission aboard Virgin Galactic’s VSS Unity on May 25, 2023 was indeed the journey of a lifetime.
ATLANTA, Georgia – Several Jamaican organizations catering to “At-Risk” children from inner-city communities, have benefitted from yearly donations totaling millions of dollars courtesy of the Atlanta-based Integrity Children’s Fund (ICF).
Washington, DC - Jamaica’s Ambassador to the United States, Audrey Marks, is the recipient of the 2023 International Engagement Leadership Award, conferred by Capital City Chapter of Links Incorporated of Washington, DC.
ST. GEORGE’S, Grenada – The executive director of the Grenada Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Petipha Lewis, is one of two Caribbean women elected to top positions of the Network of Caribbean Chambers of Industry and Commerce (CARICHAM).
Award winning journalist Jacqueline Charles knows the Caribbean, it’s literally in her blood. Of Haitian descent, Charles was born in the English-speaking Caribbean island of Turks and Caicos. It is this diverse heritage that puts her in the unique position of being able to look at events as an objective observer yet still feeling the rhythm of the culture. Charles has been reporting on Haiti, and the English-speaking Caribbean, for decades. As the Caribbean/Haiti Correspondent for the Miami Herald, she has covered historic and turbulent events that helped shape the island of Haiti.
Truly an inspirational community advocate, Da-Venya Armstrong has always allowed her passion for the collective to guide her. This Carol City (now Miami Gardens) native loves the city she was born in, and from early on knew she would always live and work among her people, “proudly serving this community in which I was born and raised,” she declared.
“To be a good nurse you must have the passion to serve, be willing to put in the work, for it is a life long learning profession,” declared Joan Howard, President of the Jamaica Nurses Association of Florida (JNAF).
Ten years ago, several Jamaican-born women in South Florida started a non-profit organization to celebrate their accomplishments, laud the mentors who helped them, and provide a platform for the next generation of female leaders. Jamaican Women of Florida (JWOF) was borne out of that desire to acknowledge and give back. And, since their official launch in October 2012, JWOF has played a significant role in the development of the young women they have nurtured.
“It feels good to have accomplished this feat. Not just to be the first African American or the first black person to fill these shoes, but also to know that you have a town that is supportive,” remarked Elsie Foster, the newly elected Mayor of Highland Park, New Jersey.