Cell Mate

The ubiquitous telephone has provided us with more than an outlet for people to communicate with each other, and from its invention, when Alexander Graham Bell allegedly made that first call on the instrument saying, to his assistant who was in another room, “Mr. Watson come here, I want to see you.” the die was cast and the phone entered our lives.

nobaycarLet’s fast forward to the modern day cellphone that has brought so much joy, misery, anguish, anxiety, trauma, into the lives of so many persons. It’s the new appendage of the human body.

There is alcohol addiction, cigarette addiction, drug addiction and now telephone addiction, although they haven’t given it a psychological classification as yet. The truth is, some people are addicted to their phones and spend countless hours staring at the screen or talking on it, becoming cell mates.

But just like the addict, if you point out this affliction to them, they’ll vehemently deny it. “Oh no, I don’t use my phone a lot, I’m just checking something.”

Apart from this addiction though, are the ramifications that the phone has on relationships and on lovers, and little did JC Lodge and Shabba Ranks realize how profound the words were with their song, Telephone Love.

‘When you call I feel so good, wishing you were living in my neighborhood

So you can hang up the phone and rush on over

Pick up where we left off under the cover

Telephone love, you sound so sweet on the line

Telephone love, you make my day every time.’

It sounds so romantic, but that same telephone has resulted in the destruction and demise of many relationships.

The last thing that many people want is for their partner to have access to their cellphone, as that can lead to their downfall. And even when there’s nothing to hide, prying, nosy, snooping eyes will still bore into their partner’s phone and misread what’s there. “So what did you mean when you said the coast is clear and out of sight out of mind?”

Many people have paid the price for divulging their password to their partner in case of an emergency, as a ‘just in case’ contingency That’s why some persons

use codes for their contact information, so if the man happens to access his woman’s phone and sees, ‘plumber’ ‘gym’ ‘hardware’, he’ll think that it’s just tradesmen that she uses from time to time.

Therefore people will go to almost any lengths to conceal the contents of their phone from their cell mates.

‘Surinamese politician shoots phone to hide call from his wife, gun seized.’ Police in Suriname have seized a parliamentarian’s gun after the man was seen on video shooting his cellphone. Surinamese media reported that the man had received a call from a woman while his wife was sitting next to him. He reportedly shot the phone to prevent her from finding out who had called him.’

The extent to which people will go to hide cell mate interaction is extraordinary. But even though they may try, the evidence is often most revealing if you can read between the lines. If your spouse’s phone rings and he or she speaks in mono syllables, that’s a dead giveaway. “Hello, hmm hmm, yes, sure, right, same time, oh yes, okay, of course, me too.”

‘Who was that Dear?” “Oh nobody, just a client.”

Sometimes cell mate karma catches some people, as pocket calls may speed dial their spouse while they’re in the company of their lover, allowing the spouse to hear everything that’s going on. Imagine driving to the country with your lover and your phone dials your partner by accident? Every word you say, every breath you take, every move you make, every laugh, are all relayed to your partner at home who is fuming and breathing fire.

Cell Mates are real, but be careful who your cell mate is. 

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