Recipe for Oven Roasted Jerk Pork Leg
NEW YORK, NY - Recently I was asked to do jerk pork for some of my friends at work. I bought a pork leg and prepared the pork with the necessary seasonings and allowed it marinate for one week in the refrigerator and the freezer.
When I was ready to put it on the grill after thawing it to room temperature , it started to rain heavily. I decided to roast the leg in the oven. The result was delicious!
Below is the recipe for Oven Roasted Jerk Pork Leg.
A 10 lb Pork Leg
2 bottles wet jerk seasonings
1/2 bottles dry jerk seasonings
2 tbs garlic powder
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
12. Pimento seeds
Core pork leg with a sharp knife.
Rub all the seasonings on the whole leg.
Marinate for one week in the refrigerator.
To roast pork leg , allow leg to thaw to room temperature .
Set oven to 375 degrees
Put leg in oven and roast for 3-4 hours.
Use jerk seasonings to base pork throughout cooking process.
When fully cooked, slice the leg and use jerk sauce to accompany each slice.
Serve with rice and peas or ground provision and dumplings.
Bon Appetite
Minna LaFortune is a trained Caribbean caterer and also president of the Society for the Advancement of the Caribbean Diaspora (SACD).