Sophia Brown Releases New Song "Look" Featuring Turbulence
As someone who oozes confidence, self-esteem is important to Sophia Brown. She projects those traits in Look, her latest song which features Turbulence.
Sophia Brown and TurbulenceA video highlighting both artistes, directed by Swag TV, was also recently released. The sultry Brown proves that a woman does not need skimpy or outrageous outfits to attract a man.
“Some of us would believe that wearing less clothes would make you more appealing to the masculine gender and all the other fancy things that we tend to add, when beauty is coming from within our soul. When you look in the mirror you should see something else other than the outer beauty that you possess, which should make you walk with your head strapped on your shoulders,” she said.
The singer added that the rugged Turbulence, best known for songs like Notorious and Name And Number, was a perfect foil for her.
“I am proud of the project because I could find an artist who fully understands and reciprocates the message,” she said.
Filmed in Hellshire Hills --- on the outskirts of Kingston, Jamaica's capital --- the video for Look has received steady rotation in Jamaica.
It can also be viewed on Brown’s YouTube channel, via streaming on ZojakWorldwide and in Europe on Reggaeville.
ZojakWorldwide released Look on May 17. It is available on all streaming platforms.
Since launching her recording career over 20 years ago, Sophia Brown has released a number of singles and four albums.