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UWI Names Professor Densil A. Williams as New Principal for Mona Campus

KINGSTON, Jamaica - The University of the West Indies (UWI) Friday named Professor Densil A. Williams as principal of the Mona Campus of the regional tertiary institution replacing Pro Vice-Chancellor and Campus Principal, Professor Dale Webber who resumes teaching and research duties as a Marine Biologist after July 31, 202

Professor Densil Williams

Calabar Alumni Overseas Chapters and PTA Say 'Thank You' to School Employees With JM$1,700,000

Washington D.C.- For the fourth consecutive year, Calabar High School Alumni Chapters based overseas in partnership with Calabar Parent Teachers Association have banded together to show appreciation to the teachers at their alma mater. The old boys chapters in Washington, DC, New York, Atlanta and Florida have all combined to provide a cash gift to all teachers, guidance counselors and support staff at Calabar for Teachers Appreciation Week 2023. The chapters, in collaboration with the PTA, will also offer a day of relaxation at a resort for these dedicated teachers.

Canada and Olympian Brendon Rodney Launch Scholarship Awards

Kingston, Jamaica - The High Commission of Canada, in collaboration with renowned Olympian Brendon Rodney and his Rodney's Life Beyond Sports Foundation, proudly announced the launch of the inaugural Rodney's Life Beyond Sports Foundation Excellence Scholarship Awards. This ground-breaking initiative aims to foster excellence in sports and education by providing scholarships to tertiary students at the GC Foster College of Physical Education and Sport in Jamaica.

Canadian Olympian Brendon Rodney receives the 'Person of Impact' recognition award from the Canadian High Commissioner Emina Tudakovic at the launch of Rodney's Life Beyond Sports Foundation and Scholarship Awards on May 30, 2023, at the Official Residence of Canada.
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